Operating Systems: The Key To A New World

IT is probably the fastest growing sector in the world. With new technologies being continuously developed, it seems we’ll just keep going forward. There is an issue, however. Since the birth of the internet we have been building up high on the foundations of IT, operating systems. They have become less talked about, and fewer and fewer people are actually …


Grain legumes have been of great interest to the European community as they show favourable nutritional and environmental traits. These crops, thus, are key to the Farm to Fork Strategy. The Sobrero and Marconi High Schools, with the assistance of the University of Turin, have characterised four varieties of chickpeas and four of soybeans, focusing mainly on the evaluation of …

Parkinson Detector: Artificial Intelligence for medical diagnosis

Parkinson Detector is an inexpensive and non-invasive system for early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. By using an artificial intelligence algorithm, it is capable of detecting oscillation parameters of the upper limbs and calculating specific indexes useful for diagnosis. The system uses hardware consisting of a PC and two high-definition cameras. Through specially developed software, it recognizes the person’s movements and …