Calculation of the expansion rate of the universe, the density of dark energy in it and the study of the Hubble Tension, which is among the most important unsolved problems in today’s cosmology

Calculation of the expansion rate of the universe, the density of dark energy in it and the study of the Hubble Tension, which is among the most important unsolved problems in today’s cosmology

A known disagreement in today’s cosmology concerns the universe’s expansion rate – the “Hubble Tension”, which arises due to different measurement methods leading to different results. In this study, the values of Hubble’s constant (the universe’s expansion rate), the dark energy and mass density in the universe are calculated. An LSQ algorithm fitted redshift and distance data of 1a supernovae and cepheids with a function known in litrature. The results indicate a Hubble constant of 72.89±0.48 km/sMpc, a mass-energy density of 0.352 and a dark energy density of 0.668. Additionally, increasing the distances by 0.5% led to the constant 67.17±0.45 km/sMpc, settling the tension. The findings imply that the tension stems from incorrect modeling that are used to measure astronomical distances.

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    Noya Linder

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