Development and evaluation of a hybrid solar-thermoelectric power generation system in a marine environment and usage of hydrodynamic propulsion

Development and evaluation of a hybrid solar-thermoelectric power generation system in a marine environment and usage of hydrodynamic propulsion

In this study, a Hybrid-Solar-Thermoelectric with Magneto-Hydrodynamic Propulsion (HSTM) system that provides an innovative solution for sustainable energy production and eco-friendly transportation in maritime environments, is proposed. The hybrid energy harvesting system features a monocrystalline solar panel and a series of thermoelectric generator (TEG) modules enclosed within a vacuum glass dome, placed beneath the solar panel. The results demonstrate that the system increases overall energy generation efficiency compared to standalone solar panels without incurring excessive costs. Furthermore, the study confirms the viability of MHD propulsion in a maritime environment, contributing to the research of innovative solutions for sustainable energy production and green transportation.

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    Aias Tatsis

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