DiaMiR: A MicroRNA (miR-23) Microneedle Patch for Type-2 Diabetes Control

422 million adults worldwide have diabetes and 48% of all juvenile deaths are due to diabetes or diabetes-inflicted diseases; diabetes in low-income families has risen rapidly — 21% since 2010. By combining recent advances in microRNA (miR) technology, applying a novel miR-based LNP loading and microneedle hyaluronic chain-linked drug-infusion method, DiaMiR (Diabetes MicroRNA-injected Reparation) aims to mitigate the adverse effects …

Bioethics and Protection of Human Dignity in Research and Healthcare

The aim of this project is to study the degree of knowledge and awareness of the bioethical guidelines established at International, European and National level that seek to protect human dignity. Thus, in the first place, it carries out a historical review about some of the events that led to the creation of bioethical norms as well as a review …

Gaming Accessibility, 3D printed adaptive gaming controller accessory for individuals with disabilities

Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common (3:1000) childhood movement disorder. Gaming can help integrate individuals with disabilities into a community, but those with CP struggle with gaming due to limited hand function and fine motor coordination. Objectives: To develop an affordable and personalizable adaptive gaming controller add-on for individuals with CP to play online games and connect with …

The impact of energy drinks on heart rate recovery

This study aimed to determine if there was a significant difference in heart rate recovery (HRR) after consuming an energy drink during sport activity. Male subjects aged 17-18 participated in standardized aerobic exercises, categorized as athletically active or inactive based on V02 max measured by Beep test. Each group consumed a caffeine, sugar and taurine-containing energy drink and a placebo …

Immunomodulatory Effects of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Homo sapiens THP-1 Macrophages

This study examined the effects of low cytotoxic concentrations of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) on the gene expression of thirteen selected cytokine genes in THP-1 macrophages. The production and applications of MWCNTs are augmenting, so their hazardous potential on human health must be well-characterized to develop effective therapeutics and appropriate safety protocols. This knowledge can be used to evaluate toxicity …

Syrenity: Development of a moisturising cream rich in marine collagen

This project aims to produce a moisturizing cream, with collagen as the main component, a protein with moisturizing and structural properties. The collagen used in this research will be extracted from fish scales and fins, by-products of the fishing industry, aiming for a more sustainable production at a lower cost. We verified the presence of collagen in the collected material …

Optimization of CAR-T Cell Therapy using RNA-Sequencing Analysis for Biomarker Identification

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Conventional cancer treatments have considerable side effects and may not always succeed in their intended response, taking a toll on patients and their families. CAR-T cell therapy is a novel form of cancer treatment using modified immune cells to target cancerous cells in the body with increased accuracy and precision. …