DiaMiR: A MicroRNA (miR-23) Microneedle Patch for Type-2 Diabetes Control

422 million adults worldwide have diabetes and 48% of all juvenile deaths are due to diabetes or diabetes-inflicted diseases; diabetes in low-income families has risen rapidly — 21% since 2010. By combining recent advances in microRNA (miR) technology, applying a novel miR-based LNP loading and microneedle hyaluronic chain-linked drug-infusion method, DiaMiR (Diabetes MicroRNA-injected Reparation) aims to mitigate the adverse effects …

A Fully Automatic Self-Assembling Modular Robot System

Self-assembling modular robotic systems are swarm robotics that allows for the assembly of different complex robotics configurations from individual modules. Creating an adaptable and capable robotics system. Such systems are applicable to unpredictable environments such as search and rescue and can further improve efficiency in the logistics industry. This project presents the design and manufacturing of such a system. Each …