Developing Algorithms to Determine an Asteroid’s Physical Properties and the Success of Deflection Missions

The rate of discovery of near-earth asteroids outpaces current abilities to analyze them. Knowledge of an asteroid’s physical properties is essential to deflect them. I developed open-source algorithms that combine images from robotic telescopes, open data, and school math to determine asteroids’ size, rotation period, strength, and mutual orbital period in the case of binary asteroids. I took observations of …

Optimization of CAR-T Cell Therapy using RNA-Sequencing Analysis for Biomarker Identification

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Conventional cancer treatments have considerable side effects and may not always succeed in their intended response, taking a toll on patients and their families. CAR-T cell therapy is a novel form of cancer treatment using modified immune cells to target cancerous cells in the body with increased accuracy and precision. …