Bioethics and Protection of Human Dignity in Research and Healthcare

Bioethics and Protection of Human Dignity in Research and Healthcare

The aim of this project is to study the degree of knowledge and awareness of the bioethical guidelines established at International, European and National level that seek to protect human dignity. Thus, in the first place, it carries out a historical review about some of the events that led to the creation of bioethical norms as well as a review of the bioethical guidelines and the Spanish legislation. Secondly, the study offers the results of the field work carried out from three instruments of own elaboration. On the one hand, a qualitative study based on personal interviews with a total of 11 people. On the other hand, a questionnaire was carried out to a total of 102 health professionals and other questionnaire aimed at a total of 366 people of the entire population of Spain.

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    Alba Pérez López

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